Jack Judy Distinguished Service Award

Dr. Richard Debowe (L) presents the first AAVC Distinguished Service Award to Dr. Jack W. Judy (R)
The Jack W. Judy Distinguished Service Award is the highest honor bestowed by the American Association of Veterinary Clinicians. The award is named after Jack W. Judy who epitomizes the commitment to clinical teaching espoused by AAVC.
The Jack W. Judy Distinguished Service Award recognizes an AAVC member for their contributions of effort, enthusiasm, and leadership in support of the mission, vision, and vitality of the American Association of Veterinary Clinicians.
Dr. Judy earned a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University in 1958. He held a faculty position at several universities, until 1976 when he joined the College of Veterinary Medicine at Michigan State where he was the associate dean for Hospital Administration and Facilities Planning until August 1991.
Dr. Judy was an active member of the AAVC for many years. He was instrumental in the development of the Veterinary Internship and Residency Matching Program and created the first software program used by the VIRMP in the late 1970s.
The award has only been given four times:

2021 - Dr. Roger Fingland

2017 - Dr. Rustin Moore

2006 - Dr. Michael Garvey

1998 – Dr. Jack W. Judy